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Hm...someone is obviously monitoring wad i say n now is playing a prank on my tag-board. i suspect someone, now gathering more evidence. If u wan to play prank, please! there r more meaningful things u can do in this world, dun spoil pple's reputation by toking rubbish k!?

So devastated when veera commented so harshly on our grp's conclusion... well, it maybe nt up to quality but cant condemn us juz cuz we're laughing hence thinking we're playing a total fool lor... fine! nxt time dun join in them to laugh see wad he'll do bout it.

PW seems to be fine but written report may not b very substantial as it seems to be progressing faster then data processing...i still feel something is lacking, rite now finding more stuff. Dun wan to be seen as slacking.

Ms fong told us tt our class fabric is done very nicely, may win prize if there is, har...but unhappy bout those pple nvr helpout in tt...well..i tink they're realli so heckcare pple lor... how can leave us in da lurch to finish up when it's classwork?? Forced to sign da declaration form to keep up std or i'll hafta drop subject. So sad...gonna work harder...dun feel like dropping...gotta sacrifice my personal time den.

Coursework qns quite hard, at least harder den past years de...unfair lor. cant rmb da qns exactly n no pros to help mi out lei...

Now dloading day after tmr, but haiz duno when can watch lei...

Mood: (`-`)