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Phew, taking another break to write again.. tmr is IP openhouse, n da sch is making it into a very grand n happening event...well...juz gonna recruit 150+ pple in mah...wad's da big deal... anyway there's too lil time to prepare mouse to work to even impress VP for more funds lor... nt tt we're nt good... (we - robotics club)

Lim pin hurt his back n not gonna help us in's alot difference lor...experience person not there... seniors r nt supposed to help out lar...i'm helping da tchers nt to get scolded by VP, shuld thank me lor...

Heard from you quan tt actually 1st intake had 30+ pple wan to join robotics, but cuz they din rope da pple in well... some got detached lar...wad a pity rite? if got more den can hav internal competition to make it better mah.... hehe

da duty shifts sent to mr goh is juz gonna b a "for-show" purpose, bet most of da time only me be there lor... sian sia.... maybe i bring my hw to do lar...or else gonna be a drag for nxt week... chem SPA next week lor, dun pray pray...

Wei jie is quite pissed off wif sabrina's attitude lor, cuz she always use tt bossy attitude, (otherwise how u tink she's chairperson b4? haha...jkjk) Well...maybe sometimes i'm following her instructions but tt's cuz da areas i'm nt so familiar wif...if i noe fairly well in something, i'll evaluate wad's good for me to do n wad's not... PEARLS pts is a sensitive subject to tok abt sometimes, especially to EXCO.

My $10 almost "fly away...wo qiong wu..." bleah...i mean someone lar...wanted to treat da class wif subway cookies wif tt! Luckily it wasnt down or i'll realli die man....da gals r so yao gui...haha

Tink i'll stop here... i've installed quick notes plus n it's pretty nice...can gimme on screen reminders...opps lotsa tings der....gtg (ps: by the way, i dloaded somemore s club songs...all damn nice lor...first time heard any band come up wif so many nice songs altogether...)

Mood: =X