    Find out what I'm doing, Follow Me :) wad i wrote here really getting shorter n shorter? haz, basically hard to write long lor, quite busy on weekdays...weekends oso lar..den nt everyday got sthg nice happening. Hehe

i tink i getting to like my class better lar, but still nt to da close extent as 04S6F lor... i regret not taking so many photos wif them.. :P lar, tj is nice lor... fitting in quite ok. many things i wana do but no time oso. Got tis sailing wif physics program i wana take but clash wif pdp so canot lor. Haiz

Everyone's tokin bout results lor... makes me feel so lousy. Esmond said cat high lousy ones all go TJ, good ones ord in top 4 jcs le. har... hmz, duno for my case is which lar. i found tt actually jeremy is quite nice oso lor...nt da dao type i thought. Maybe i shuld be more auto to tok to pple. Guess till den i will hav more pple tokin to me ba, can't expect pple to tok to me first all da time de mah rite?

ate zu cao today, wah damn full...$7 leh, ex rite. ate a whole mountainous plate of fried rice wif omelette and meat... :P

FF7 advent children looks splendid, juz look at how real da graphic is...oh man, a far heaven difference from the ff7 game.. it's a continuation of ff7 game, lotsa twist of story is expected n there's lotsa speculation as to how the plot will be. Tink i'll b saving up for da DVD ba...muahaha

Mood: :)