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hmz, syf is nice but to my surprise, the scale is almost like ndp! so many pple lor...tot it was kinda unofficial one. but no. So happen to see ambrose n heard abt michael ng leading a contingent! So zai.

Ruth bluff me, nids tix de leh. Gotta bluff da pple we're from nyjc one...haiyo. den sit no where near nyjc or mshs or wadever.. yar. Me, pee wee n jun long was there. ha, nvr had such fun teasin anyone for v long le.. TKSS won da best display award, da final n prestigious award...woah...their band is so zai, can do lotsa diff animations damn fast esp da spinning instruments n changing formation n tt's wad is so zai. Congrats man. But deyi nvrtheless got best drum major award lar. Ruth was sad cuz din see us directly congratulating her...*guilty maybe she's waiting to see us~?

Well...waited for desmond to meet up den went orchard to eat...den spent long long time in HMV listening songs lor...hah. Pee wee so childish man...keep on puttin ice in pple's back.. but he changed quite alot..more plumb? i noe they noe wen jie as max. I had to rush back to record ALL IN lor..

Mood: :D