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hmz.. i smell sum fishy incidents in robotics.. sum scandalous stuff again. sense sum ^@=@^.. hahaz, kidding, dun take me 4 real ya?

muaz, mouse diagonal still nt v nice but it's sumthing i've tried doing, duno whether consider much improvements.. straight dash v hard le..

juz wana everyone to contribute abit for robotics ba.. be it time or effort. shuldnt juz siam away a time like tt.. Other ppl's bothering to come n do stuff lor.

GP period do nth productive. My grp sit down there tok cok or stoning till da lecture starts... saw hw joe got 'kai'. lol... seems like gay porn though. JY's realli crappy lor, get on zhiren's nerves.. hahaz...

wahaha... got several new songs to listen le.. yay.. cos jukebox software got prob cant transfer song, sad man. Duno hw to solve oso.

mood: -busy-