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kk, posting friday's stuff... skip ahead for juz class outings.

fri's sports day so supposedly dismissed at 12, so only computing's period is skipped. supposed to come back by 1.30 so as to let everything proceeds at 2 sharp. The sports day is kinda disorganised ba... lotsa spectators din wear hse t. but quite a few ppl pon oso... i din pon cos of class outing. but betta nt too cos gotta write letter to ms fong, ha.. gd luck jee siang.

da interval between events are rather long n thus fails to capture everyone's attention constantly. Other than tt, i will say tt da program sequence should be good ba. There's a variety of programs from taekwondo, teachers-students tug of war, cheerleading apart from da usual events of running, javelin, discus etc... Cheerleading is interesting actually but somehow alpha and beta house have the same kinda dancing styles to gamma and delta... Duno hw delta won da cheerleading part... realli nt much stunts lor.. i tink beta's good... special ba.. even though got 1 gal fell twice.

Delta oso won da overall hse championship... tink, cos dey had alota participation. mm... actually, beta hse oso got v gd runners ba.. cant realli rmb da names ya...

felt caged for several hours n da pain comes in when waiting during da interval for smth interesting to happen. got tok, play games but still feel v v sian... later went to see tennis match lor. Can't realli see much actually, cos my view's partly blocked by da ppl tt had flocked in front of me alot earlier... din buy any ice cream to eat cos heard it's nt tt nice..

when finally allowed to be dismissed after da prize presentation n da sch song which is ord like 6.30, da gals had been waiting for abt 30 mins le lor... somehw managed to sneak out.. abit disappointed when after much discussion da outing wasnt according to initial plan of going to marina bay but to suntec. n i tink it's my suggestion =P haha...

played da finger rhythm game in d MRT n made realli a hell lota noise... outsiders probably will hav quite -ve impression of TJcians le ba, haha... I seem to make myself a fool lor, slow rxn time... tink all my fingers sticked out cos kana tricked so many times by joe... lol, est.. muz zi dian wo lei~

KBox was 1 of da idea when we reached but cos we din make appointment n nt a member yet, at 8 can only sing to 10 which isnt tt worthy.... so in the end din go sing... but den i realli wanted to sing de lor... haiz, hope nxt time got da chance lor, hahah...

in the end, choose to eat at kenny rogers but cos it's abit late for wei quan, he has to get off first so din join us... quite a pity, afterall he hasnt realli attended our class outing.. well.. firstly, da service attendant wasnt realli nice... she sounded like if we're nt happy wif da seats we can leave... (she din say so but her tone suggested smthin similar) but in d first place, we arent... we're juz deciding who sits where... joe dun wan share da family platter so everyone eats kenny quarters lor.. tot macaroni cheese's nice but nt to consuming a large portion down ur stomach... it's different.. for me i'll get abit sick... but cos of da chicken mainly, i'm v full... it's 1/4 chicken as d name suggests. d so called muffin dun taste v nice ba mayb cos i'm towards full limit?

but cos me, jy, mx n joe sitting in d smaller table, din get to join da fingers game again... but i get to take pics of jy's masterpiece of leftovers and eil and alex's masterpiece of smiley leftovers... (raise eyebrows, potential lao gong lao puo, haha).. after hanging in there for sometime, took our time to walk out n took pics arnd there... esmond was asked to take pics wif 2 grps..shan't elaborate more... haha

i havent transfer da photos taken from hp to here... will upload soon if managed to get it here... keep out for updates k?


swam from 11-1.20. now having painful sunburnt skin le... agreed b4 hand cos din noe gettin burnt wun b tt fast ba... after all esmond wana get tanned... feeling exothermic now..

went watch infection wif hoi ching. it's actually quite engaging n alot of times it's juz ppl scaring ppl... nt even ghosts or wad... earlier parts was kinda disgusting... saw hc almost cover her eyes le... haha... tot she'll b brave de ba... at least alot better den da class gals... was realli nt hungry so din share pop corns. ate a few nachos only ba... but d show din realli make much sense to me ba... haha.. tink it'll b quite some time b4 i can watch another... i'm nt sponsored for movies anymore. had a walk after tt, felt much better tokin under da starlights even though we're sumtimes juz immersed in da silence of d nite... duno hw she feels abt tt...maybe juz tink i'm boring... felt super pissed wif myself.. din send her home cos i'll definitely b locked out if go home too late but i tot i should at least send her home... haiz.

tink tt's all 4 now ba...