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yea... finally hav da chance to update le..or she'll hav nth to read again, haha..

Almost considered no school today. Attended chem lesson and after tt got pink form n zao... Hav not much idea where CMPB is except tt it's around redhill.. My pa wan send me there but b4 tt end up waiting for my parents to eat their '2nd breakfast', lol. I still feel full at tt time. Forced to eat popia at least...

When i reached there, i've gotta figure my way thru. Hav no idea where CMPB is. It's actually part of the duno wad defence building.. The e-registration sys sux lor. Gotta wait so damn long b4 i can actually login. I'm pretty sure i waited more than 1 hr. Not sure whether got 2 hrs anot... probably so. Sat there like a fool... 4gotten bro's IC n end up hav to fax over dat info at a later time... sux man...

wanted to watch pacifier wif chingz but went to watch wif classmates liao... boohooz, nvm, aiming for sahara... seems like a good one... hmmz...

saw an email tt's quite touching. was abt a man n a women married for 11 yrs b4 they conceive a baby. n to them, it's almost everything. until 1 day when da father went out leaving da mother n da child. He told her to keep da bottle of medicine away from da child but da mother was pre-occupied wif sumthing. Da kid had no idea wad tt bottle was n drank all. When da mother discovered, da kid was heavily poisoned ord cuz tt's meant to b for adults to take in small quantity. In the end da kid died, n da mum was very upset but duno hw will her husband react when he come to da hospital..

When he did, he saw the child n turn to her, crying out, "I love you darling". Da mother almost couldnt believe wad she heard cos she wasnt expecting him to say tt. But da father realise wad's done is done. Both of them r v upset n she needs most is sum1 to console n not to deepen da feeling by scolding her.. If only there were such forgiving spirit around, the world will seem like a better place...

10/04 actually hav bdae celeb tis yr.. pretty surprising.. It's so rare tt everyone juz gathers together to do sumthing wad is not compulsory. So touching... haha, ate pizzas but i only manage to hav 2.5 slices n still not full.. But ms fong pay one... ha, it's ord v good for her to buy 6 boxes ba... Took alot of photos as a 'family', photos of gd frends, photos of da guys 2gether etc... But wad's eh... weird is cos it's belated one. 11/04 is celebrating and i'm nt sure abt 09/04 lor... tink yr 1 oso got ppl bdae, so canteen was quite noisy. But den all these celebrations sorta delay sum time of mr desai's lesson n i can tell he's quite angry... yup, seldom see him like tt de.

hope i wun hav too much things to do when i find out from my classmates wad had been said..

mood: -sian-