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today's a fun day! though desmond as usual overslp n miss da running appointment wif me, i went for a free trip to wild wild wet as suggested by my uncle. Had to pang sei esmond again, so paiseh, sorry ah, nxt time go swim wif u.

deir's nt many fun things in wild wild wet nw tt i've played. First station was da dble man slide... duno wad's dat exact name le... had to queue bloody long b4 get a turn which lasted no more den 30s. diao rite~? but at least when at da instant of dropping off... it's realli so darn cool... i'm almost dropping off... maybe cos i'm light? felt myself almost detached from da float... din manage to open eyes for 1 sec... haha

nxt up is da shiok pool whereby i call it lazy pool: dun realli hav to move, let da wave push u along... it's v comfortable actually... i realise w/o da float, walking thru it is fun... tried tis twice... it's good for relaxing when u're giddy.

thirdly, tried da 6 ppl ular lah station n end up queueing pretty long too... but luckily due to me n my bro playin only, we're allowed to grp wif 3 other ppl in da front queue... hehez, sum ppl muz b quite annoyed by jumpin queues ba... initially, da spin off is fun.. but till da middle sect, da thrill dies off... last part even got camera auto photo shot... well, nth much unless u wana buy... if it is, make sure u're facing da camera first, haha...

fourth, played da wave pool, it's v cool, rather vigorous waveforms n almost got me sinked or so i tink... i was at da 1.5m section n ord wif da wave, it rose to probably 1.8 tt kinda engulf me when i wana breath... horrible... haz, den tried gg back to shore but da splash was also v violent n in fact can be rather painful. da grnd is rather rough n u may rub n hurt urself... my cousin did...

den later tried da 2nd lvl waterworks... it's fun oso, total pitch dark in da completely covered tube... heez, got 1 joker screamed damn loud inside like as if it's so scary... for me when i tried, din expect it to b so so long b4 i come out... yah, tried holding my breath so when i splurge out of tube it wun b so shockin...

yea, basically tried almost everything besides da rider one... but i spend 3/4 of time waiting n da rest playin only lor.. so sian, if only waiting time is reduced.

Met chingz after tt, thanx for accompanying me for dinner... wanted to spring a surprise on u but well, maybe it worked too well tt it sprang back at me... argh, end up din say wad i wanted to.. Hope u like my gift anyway! :D (maybe i'm too blunt, dun take da words i've said jk to heart, it's nt true at all when i said it's jkin, pls blive tt)

coursework n chem test is coming... argh, gotta mug...

Mood: -giddy-