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Din receive much news from friendster le, but now receive so so much junk mails everyday!!! wth, can't finish clearing them compared to the mails floodin my inbox from 60% to 100%! tt really it? Can't stand virus man....

Den tok to jee siang, become toking to his bro... He is so damn lame lor...much worse den jee siang...brr... rubbish stuff lar... Not porno stuff, jee is tinking abt. Haha...

Saw tis very interesting spot in TJ, which i nvr gotta realli realise abt it. Ha...yea...wei jie showed me.

Fri is the interview for EXCO positions liao... abit nervous... wanna get in EXCO lor...but duno wad position i will get. Da sad thing is can only become EXCO of 1 pdp. Well but i guess it's busy enough. So i gotta drop many ideas of going here there runnin house comm... Haha... But tt day oso got concert lor...runnin here n there, how to stay cool?? Haiz...

Got a feelin alex got crush or wadever but dun wana share lor... Since he dun wana say den i better not say too much abt it.. Fiona's gettin better to me, nt so hostile at times. Estella's still pretty much da same though din say lame tt many times liao. Like my GP group better, haha... poor thing alex gotta get out for da 8 stupid grps arrangement.

Today PE is da mock one, gotta pass everyting or else will have to take S-paper haha...tis one i rather not take but obviously i seem to have no choice. Den da teacher bluff us timing so we can strain ourselves more. He say 12.40 passing. Den almost all ran earlier n me n some other guys ran abit later den tt. But he says pass...Qn come? den later gotta noe tt it's 13.10 or 13.20 ba...haha...tis time i juz ran all da way w/o usual stitch halfway thru. But haiz...juz can't do pull up n standing broad jump properly lor... :'( Anyway, i gonna train my pull ups liao...

-Duno wad topic to tok wif her...i can basically tok alot wif other pple but not her. Why?-

Mood: O@O