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Hengz guitar practice din practice until night. myself a troublesome job, da curtain keeper, n gotta play too...very rush like tt. Den still muz fake i can play colours of the wind...stupid idea lor. den today da backstage pple all left, only mun yu n i left, den everyting we bao ka liao... den someone accidentally knocked da $350 guitar down n got a slight part chipped off, the person got so pissed off n blow her top at da person...den got a commotion for a while b4 she stormed off...haiyo, it's common for tt to happen lor, especially in LT. Anyway, da aurora shirt is so damn big, can't fit myself in nicely, haiz...

Google's coming out wif gmail, which is so attractive not to take up, but considering all cookies n spywares...duno whether shuld pick tt up anot. 1 GIG leh!

Noe another unknown person 2day... She asked me who i m, when she added me...(strange rite?) den yar..tok a while got number le...funny sia...

Quite tiring today, gotta catch up wif tutorials n practice le, still not 4getting NTU, NUS competition, sigh...

Mood: =S