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Today is a damn tiring day too... Barely got the energy to type. Been running around been backstage da whole day le... n da thing is nvr even give us a great thank u or wadever... Feel like effort not recognised, unlike sai gang team, aiya....but nvm, i'll juz take it in my stride.

At least i gotta noe friends like maybelle, helen, padma, man yiu, jonathan, bicas, jeanette better. They're realli fun lot of pple. Hahaz.

Juz damn f**king pissed when my mum says she's coming n she din come juz bcuz she din feel like coming. I was so so disappointed... of all pple, she din come. Hmph...

Asked my friends to collect notes for me, but they say dun hav.. Estella says got alot, who to trust? haz...nvm, shall noe nxt time.

Tired le... gotta slp le. Write

Mood: >.< zzZZ