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Hmm...announcement here:

Guitar Concert
-Fri 30th Apr
-Got guitar performance from year1,2, singing, band performance, teachers' performance

It's realli worth the $6!! So cheap rite, better den band, so ex! grab ur tix from me while stocks last!

---end of announcement---


Today had pw meeting again...luckily din go pasir far sia...wanna bluff hafiz to go there...duno in the end he got go anot...hope he din :P anyway, toking abt fast food unhealthy but everytime meeting place at fast food de...Lol.

Wanted to do hw first, end up toking on phone for 1 hr plus...wasted sia...hope today wun run...dun hav the energy to do so. My hair is so short!! can't realli comb it. except to spike it...see how lo.. my classmates wun b surprised anyway. They're a dead bunch of pple. Haiz... Feeling so crappy. Got many things to do n tink abt. Juz sorted out my maths file n gotta do those tutorials and think abt the NTU n NUS project. Den haven practise banganwan solo yet, left my song file in LT1, m i to find lecture on monday..die liao, sure lost one. Zzz...

Duno wad's wrong wif my internet connection, can't dial wif my dsl modem, but can tap it using LAN! How come? it's so bad lor, da modem is mine! Unfair! can any pro assist me?

Mood :|