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It's been realli busy busy past few days...can't get to write my rubbish life in here, lol. Wanted to say lotsa things but maybe somethings are better not to say... Haha..

M i tt flirtious? I juz merely say hi to my friends n my frends say i very flirt... duno wad they're thinking. maybe they're jealous i gaining popularity...hehe. Haiz...tmr is da course liao, will miss out lessons, which means probably got to make up for da lost time... so rush like tt.. mr veera's hw haven't even complete now muz do some more, sigh*

Photo taking is fast, hate dragginess, but da shots abit funny us looking up as though portraying some sort of future we're looking into like tt... hehe.. den odd one out is sab's bro... wearing taekwondo t. guitar practice session reminds me of pressing time to practice even stress...luckily i switch to backstage crew, so at least i play only bangawan solo, dun nid play colours of the wind... not enugh time to practice mah... haiz.. but da cool thing is dat we can get to wear own jeans for the concert. I like the voice of tt gal who can sing very well.. Her voice as though possess some unexplained magnetic charm within it, hahaz... nice to hear. I'm glad to noe a few more friends today from da backstage crew other than the sai gang grp, lol. received 5 tix...who to sell leh...maybe to my da jie, jan ba...but i got confident i can do it...hahaz.

mood: :/