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Confirmed news of chalet to everyone, pay $15 lor. Den duno how it'll be lor.

Today early sch release, left b4 12.30, nt supposed to but who cares... went weijie's hse to play first, haha. Den i was pretty bored there cuz nothing to do mah, sian lor. Saw his twin bro. Look 80% like him. weijie's bro's eyes look deeper.

Played abit of pool, abit of dai dee, abit of uno stacko, abit of battleship, watched baby, i'm sorry mtv by coco. Den da lunch i can't realli enjoy much cuz i duno how to eat those stuff realli. Though it smelt nice.

Weijie went out at 2 plus for tok n EXCO interview. din wait 4 him to come back cuz he's so late. Ruth was rushing me all along!! So i kan cheong rush to kembagan mrt to wait for her lor. So ps... ha, she say she gonna ask her mum give more ang pow money, lol.

Went parkway eat den slack around in da library lor. Wj showed me da SJI history book. Din wana read initially but found some interesting pics to see so juz browse thru abit.

The drama was nice for the start. Den da 2nd one was too chim for me ba. I suppose they're trying to say life's like a stage, there's no script for tt. We control our own life and our identity is determined by wad we act (or do) in life. budden da tall gal acted not convincing enough. den da director oso din do much one, lol. da 3rd one was rather long too. And it's cute when da parents pop, so hao xiao sia.. But hate da groaning which was rather repetitive lor. But da gal acted as da housewife not bad, can see her expression so real. Saw hansel n a gal when leaving, bet tt muz be his gf, aha.

we oso saw yee xian n her grp of frends, aha, so coincident. I saw wei shiong oso haha. grew taller somemore le, :( When i leaving, saw samuel and joseph. They say they gonna play pool at tt hour wor. So coincidentally meet so many pple.

Mood: #_#zzzzZZZ