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Wun be online for abt 2 days ba, goin on chalet. It's gonna be damn busy for me. Got guitar rehearsal for backstage crews den chalet starts den 7 gotta meet may ee at tampines. Helen will be coming wif me.. Worried she'll be bored or wad lor. Den duno wad to bring oso i nt spontaneous to organise programmes one. Hope nt to bore everyone. :P

Erm, btw, today wake up, my relatives all at my hse, given a shock cuz duno how come they dere, nt special occasions mah. my eyes oso blur blur like tt. i watched da lame kung pow again den after tt played badminton wif them. Wah now den i noe my aunt so pro in badminton, cant catch some of her shots but i'm nt bad too. She can't catch my smash.

So frustrated rite now...duno y. Maybe cuz i did something stupid ba. Jan says it's all rite but elaine calls me nuts.. Haiz... I wonder who visits my blog other den those i noe.

Is na gina or weina?

Mood: :S