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Site was down a day ago din write... Nthg much to write anyway. Today's fun cuz got SIF tok den intro a lot of exciting things to expect. Of cuz tt comes wif da time i gotta sacrifice lor...haha. Da pple there were very spontaneous tt's y da whole session was so fun!! Can see from the ideas contributed by all members across every groups... So imaginative.

The teacher pasted stickers on gotta find those pple wif same no on forehead. Den my group comprise: yunhui, bicas, wen jie, ye xian, cheng yu, rebecca, miak. coincident i noe most of least it's nt so sian... :P The EM3 project isn't any easy den the other 2 as i tink it concentrates differently in terms of helping approach ba... Being a mentor is nice sometimes.

Feeling sentimental now...recalling da past...sorta regretted wad i said b4...everything i said constitutes to wad the present is. If only, i hadn't said tt.

Mood: -___- / ^___^