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Ha, today went to register for NS enlistment cuz i receive da letter le, went to register, den da deferment screen din pop out, den shocked lor, wad went wrong. Den took another look, oh it's register date is 31 may.

Today whole day in sch. Mornin practice for da songs lor. Kinda sick of superman cuz we practised tt too much le...sian.. but da audience weren't even thankful of our performance, gave it free for them leh, when we could hav charged them. Din even clap lor. Sian den da whole afternoon is self-consolation of performin n clappin ourselves. Da audience muz hav tink we're crazy. Anyway, they're juz concerned abt da reception food nia, idiots..

When da singin ended, everyone was sooooo desperate for food tt we juz rushed towards there n grab da food, sandwiches, curry puff, cakes, anything we can find basically. Oh man, eating them is pure bliss sia, esp when we're so damn hungry n watching da guests eat all da time, argh.

Singin session is odd lor, cuz i'm da only guy singing tt time lor. Man yiu nt there, argh...den was like damn bored. though got chat wif yee qian, padma n virginia abit lor.

Got my own guitar le, yay. According to ming xiu n da sai gang team, they kinda like my guitar, say da quality not bad.. Alot better den theirs, i felt abit comforted hearing it. Cuz at first can't hear da diff in tchaikovsky rm, too noisy le ma.. but it's rather ex. $145 leh duno got cheat my $$ anot.

Had our pathetic grp lunch in sch cuz it's rainin heavily again. Had instant noodles n i took da yellow packagin flavour one. According to patricia, she says it's nice but no one blive her. Ha, i blive her though. Da tap water nt hot at ALL!! how to boil da noodles like tt, aiyo (shakin head in disbelief) But i ate da chocolate ice kacang n da tidbits oso. My frends treat, from huimin and sam. Thx yo! Knew another few more pple today, finally remembered erlin, den noe dervina (duno how to spell) and virginia (duno how to spell too), and ming hui ha. Den gina asked my name, den i suan her ask her y she dao me. But she juz rattled on her blurness, nt purposely one. Lol.. shuld i trust her? ha, wadever.

Mood: :S