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today had extra chem extra lesson. Da scholars in other class are v complacent ones, listening to music while ms fong is teaching n another one switch on computer twice still dare reason out. Lol... sht left my badminton racket in it...:P

During guitar, practice session in strauss room. Quite squeezy but cold...frozen le.. Ha.. helen still as usual da happy gal i noe. she took my photo on another frend's phone, omg...dotz. Den avoided my shots n del one i took wif her unknowingly initially. da capturing sound gave way. she say "dun wan lar, very nan kan.." tot was v nice wad. Haz... knew tt man yiu got gf wor. Wow, everyone vroom vroom so fast. (hintz) it's so damn fun wif my backstage crew. Helen ask mi go join temasek idols, i stun liao, my quality how can? juz cuz i can sing?

den today got lotsa singing sessions, sang superman, kiss me, lemon tree, a little respect, life wif time, happy together, that thing u do. Den man yiu left early for hot date. Me and helen gotta share scores, she gave hers to padma. Wah, pitch damn high leh, can't reach. Haz...cleyra din tink for guys like me one..dotz

later go li hui's hse to paint banner, yay, so fun. but b4 tt took lotsa time juz to choose da material colours. Me n patricia juz tok outside, hehe, noe more abt her situation in sg. Came here during sec 3. i oso noe another secret of sam, hehe, can't say or he'll strangle me. gotta left early cuz meeting jeffrey. oh it's quite sian lor.

Mood: :D