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:P din get to write my blog... Those flag day exciting stuffs all missed out, ahah...actually nth to write abt tt lor. Felt it's nt tt good anyway, all bcuz of alex, lol... jkjk. So sian, hav to b thick face, asking for petty coins...:P it's for the children's society so oh well...gotta help lor. Found mostly muslims on that day, duno wad special day lar..

Den funny thing is tt tot bugis should hav a lot of pple donating n we're wrong lor. da pple there v stingy n alex took my place at the junction, idiot, i suggest tt junction selling one lor. Haiz...nvm, at least gotta tok to 2 st nick gals. I juz like look at them n they look at me, den tok a while le lor. LOL, they're sellin those flags too. In fact many pple selling it tt day, saw xie qian oso sellin, so surprising.

During the return journey met my classmates den tok cok alot...when reach bedok, i juz sell somemore in case not enugh. Tok to yee xian n her friend lor... happen to be strolling along tt pathway mah...

tt's abt all for saturday one. more abt recent stuff is da notice board one. Haiz, till now still nt much done except da wordings, my grp members all lyk tt, wad to do. hope sab dun push too much lor. Den today SPA quite ok, cuz got some tips ord... opps.. but tink sig fig, still got a minor prob, haiz...otherwise shuld be ok.

got a new song to practice, called romeo n juliet composed a japanese lar. It's a rather slow tempo song lor, but i juz can't catch its melody yet, so can't play smoothly. Duno how da year 2s, choose da grp leaders one..aha...i'm in same grp as helen, she's da grp leader as well as sam. da camp crazy de lor. all muz match, bottles, ponchos, shirt, wonder hair muz match anot, lol. estella slack again...din see her. n.. oh man, angela's in my grp, argh...y so coincident one, same robotics, guitar n now same camp grp. :P

Sab always tok to me abt her affairs outside da room one, n i tink she tells mi quite alot of her stuff lor, dun tink da rest noes so much, aha.. she trusts me ba. so i shun betray her trust by writing out da content, :P i'm crappin again. Worried tt i may not be up to expectations by sab n you quan. So many things coming up...

Elin told me she's nt having relationship wif zhiren, tinks she's saying da truth, can tell lor. she's told me someting true so i blive her. Ha, n yea, she's another of my supporter tt i'm not a flirt. Lol..duno why jy say i m. Hm.. I'm a faithful guy k?

Now coming CO, choir, drama n bla bla bla... duno which to support. Today forced to join da skipping one cuz nt enugh pple. Haiz, hope dun make myself embarrassed tt day. cirong is realli sick lor, tot she juz wana pon sch. She din reply me mah..aha.

Tinking of tt someone...

Mood: (Hmm...)