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Haiz..down again.. Alex always posting unclear comments on my blog, duno wad meaning de. Lol, last day of stressful lessons or kinda for tis term lar. But nt yet in celebrative mood cuz i realli quite stressed. Today trying hard to concentrate in lecture, quite a gd performance i put up by nt fallin asleep, den notice haryl doze, surprising.

Today, morning announcement called for all ex-marists to gather for tmr's trip to mshs to sell tj. Ha, i wana go of cuz. Long time din go there le. Ha, hope da pple dun tink i dislike mshs ba. But got 200km run wif my class at abt 3pm, duno can make it anot. Shit man, hafiz hang me up b4 i asked finish. &*^#@$$%@#...

PE wasn't tt sian today, had some time to slack den play captain's ball, aha quite fun. Idiotic jee siang distract me wif his same beta shirt, tot it's our grp.. Accidentally pass to him, :P, hehe...alex dao me initially, pass so far oso dun wan pass to me.. aha..maybe got his reasons ba.

Zz...hols means: guitar camp, notice board, farewell party, revision, make up lessons, back to mshs to teach, EM3 june activities... argh so many things. Shit, 4got give money to ms fong, yargh... i had to fork out $30 bucks juz to get my 3 hrs CIP hours!! oh man...

Duno wad to write, tinking of someone**, couldn't understand myself wad izit i wan. Haiz... Hope someone could tie my heart down.

Mood: :|