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Met her at da interchange n realli din expect so many ppl pops up wif her... Shocked*, lol... n somemore cY is asked to trail all da way up lar... makes me so paiseh... zz

Yea, finally understood abit of discrete random variable thx to hansui n geraldine.. was kinda figuring it out during econs period.. n Yea GP watch video..better den go for lesson. n Yea, my front crawl style improve le... at least i get da gist of breathing wif it.. was kinda shocked when da tcher says i'm fine wif it n ask me to scram to da advance beginner.. i realli wana perfect tt first mah... anyway, my hair feels realli dry... scared it'll flake off like tt...

find myself havin fats arnd my waist... hw much more do i hav to exercise b4 it's gone? it's realli hard to get rid of it...haiz..

wad ms fong said earlier on abt hating ourselves though sound funny, but i tink it's realli v true if i wana improve.. so let me hate GP more.. lol, no lar... i'm juz gona work harder.. but i dun tink buying newsweek, national geographic now will help... perhaps abit..but nt worthwhile considering da time left to A lvl...

i nid time for my coursework next week le... will try refrain from bloggin for a while... nid concentration...

Mood: -crazy-