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duno y i'm bloggin when i've juz returned home an hour ago.

had real fun singing my heart out @ KBox in tampines. Thanks jy for da idea of giving me an idea to somehow make me feel much better. I felt so cooped up for very long. actually still, It's quite ex for me.. but okie la.. so many hours. Da staff din chase us out even though we're supposed to leave 45 min ago at 7 de. ate so much free flow snakes tt my throat's so dry... yucks.. perhaps they purposely add pepper or wad to make it spicy so you'll probably nid to buy MORE drinks. hahaz

sang quite alot of songs, although there's only me, jianyuan, esmond... we manage to sing a wide variety of songs like english, chinese, japanese, males' songs, females' songs, duet etc... dun ask me how we manage to sing female songs, we juz can... LOL duno if there's such time again..

GP lesson is still v stressing. mdm lim tokin abt rate of improvements... i tink although she din mention anything abt me, which i guess isnt good. i nid to do tings to improve my GP.. but how m i to get da time... i nid to give up alot of things i guess. wanted to get gp tuition but i'm told tt it may b similar to sch's teaching methods. so i get physics instead...

hey ppl, come get guitar tix.. hahaz, helping to promote for my ex-guitar mates. =X it's quite cheap, $7 oso wif gold wif honours std de lei...

aye... rushing interview stuff out... + sports carnival stuff, argh haiz...

still tinking of sum stuff but i tink eventually i still hav to shake it off... it may be better for everyone. i duno hw sad the other can b but i juz wanted da best way out, not tied together facing unhappiness every day.