realised there's actually a lot of stuff to test from the 3 chaps in physics test. Quite amazed that i can at least do some. =P Surrounded by muggers this morning when all trying to ask very chim questions...
got disgusted again as usual by the food chem lecturer. She tries to impress upon us how unhealth fats is but useful to certain extent. Hmz, theoretically should be quite interesting but her voice just too monotonous, still fall aslp.
mum's cough is subsiding which i tink is good. She intro me the dried longan food to eat wif a quota of 5.. Said tt it's good for health when taken in small amount.
found his blog le, it's not entirely a small matter to say wif... but i aren't a very petty person. If he does apologise or even juz say something to me, i'll acknowledge...
=things to come=
yea, finally pass the video done by me to ming hwee le. probably get to see my production on guitar club's memories at aurora IX soon.
hope got alot ppl come buy drinks from us, gotta sell quite alot in order not to make losses!
may tink of dyeing my hair, alot of white hair le...
was tinking if sumtimes whether i do have split personalities. I seem to do same things differently in a rather eh peculiar ways ba. Hmz, either tt or i'm just hu si luan xiang again. =/ i tink i hav to just keep doing things to keep my mind on the right track.
or rather, it's juz some sort of inferiority complex ba. Just feel tt i'm lousy in everyway regardless how others see me as...
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