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here's da long awaited updates. Quite tired recently to write much ba.. Besides there's alot of stuff tt I can't juz blog abt.

X-cube is trained over n over again so many times n not 1 time it can complete? how ridiculous. Yet when it's tried after competition is over.. it can make it... i've nth to say manz... Thanatos got score but of cos isnt even on par wif dover's timing. It's juz a world for new robots not old ones ba.. It's quite depressing for me ba... Not even an achievement in my period of duty, I've failed...

There's no prelim rounds, juz straight into da maze wif lotsa parking lots. RJ did curve turn explore but failed. NYJ hav familiar running ability as WRSS... hintz... CJ too. Some have very very slow explore pace... dun hav patience watching it run. I was having tis conclusion if it's a marketing strategy to push all schools to buy newer n better mouse so tt they hav da $$ to gain from it...

I din flirt to get da chairman position.. can criticise abt my capability n nt other stuff... I certainly did not.. If in the first place, u arent happy abt it.. shulda juz say.. duno wad else to say abt it.. i certainly m nt biased against anyone. i can joke abt sum1 but tt's certainly juz joke nth much against da person. Besides being too -ve abt sumthin juz taints anyting tt is neutral, BLACK~ Guess tt's abt all i have to say ba...

thx chingz for ur gd luck =)

bought marshmallows a while back... can't finish all.. aye~ have to eat slowly den..

Mood: -incomplete-