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mum's back from op. Here's how it is.. long list of updates, pls read selectively if u're busy.

day 1 of op:
pale coloured, feeble, almost unable to speak... Can't move much even though her back is hot...

day 2 of op:
throat super dry, still on drip, voice a lil bit better, able to move a lil.

day 3 of op:
can speak out loud le, can do things by her self, except on da process of lying down and getting up.. gets frequent rash cough, needs pat to b alrite.

now back at home... nids constant attention. Hav to do almost all da housework including mopping, sweeping, wash clothes, fold clothes, buy food, etc... I'm bushed... At least bro and dad helps to do some... Oh well, i'll get used to this soon since it's gonna be a routine for another 1 or 2 months.

=TJ Bball match=
It's interesting to see how after so many years of curse that they won't able to enter finals until after 20 yrs? That's v long, but tis year's one is definitely good! hahaz, cos it's champion mah!

But before the match was the real headache stuff, including transportation to the competition venue itself. There's supposed to be sufficient number of buses to carry us there but perhaps the kiasu nature of TJcians make it become so hard for everyone to get on bus. CGs get separated then, how awful... Some take taxis while some take SBS bus in the end.

On the way there, the SCs were teaching house and sch cheers. All the funny funny cheers which we didn't learn during our orientation and not taught again to the whole sch... came out. But the worst thing is tt SC guy din teach Beta house cheer! Hey, tt's unfair, there's betanites u noe...

Maybe on tt day, i'm tired or i'm angry or sad... either way, i'll remain quiet. even wif apologising doesn't realli makes my mood change immediately de. Maybe i'm juz too petty for a guy ba. When we reach there, i aint really got the mood to cheer loudly for the bball, not as loud as when i cheered for the volley ball match the other time. Besides, everyone's standing up this time, waste more energy lei... hahahz

Match is quite exciting just tt there're some rules which i'm not so familiar. U're nvr noe who's the winner until the last minute cos taking consideration the scoring system and the competitiveness of the players, tt's y it's so engaging.

TJ lead for the first 20 mins or so which got overpowered for a while later on by HCI. Maybe tt's when they start to lose focus ba. But when the match seems disappointing for TJ later on, TJ went all out to play. Tt's when all the surprise came in. When TJ emerged champion, the whole stadium was filled wif TJ's cries of victory! Yea, tt's super duper loud and deafening... The volume soon reached to a saturation pt tt it seems juz like a constant high pitch vibrating through my ears... The bball ppl were overjoyed, ran abt da bball grounds, wavering the sch flag high with pride. Nation anthem and sch song were sang after the prize ceremony.

Can't meet up with the class or joe for an outing cos i gotta rush home to visit my mum. I saw zg, chris and dexter on my way home.

okiez, i hav only physics spa tt thurs, gotta stay back late, cos after tt i have to hold the interview. It's a realli crazy day, everyone sort of know the question, no... they have the supposed answer scheme! Well... there's actually many versions of it, purely prepared by students ba. I duno which is correct actually. Somehow, i broke another promise again... shit.. i juz hate myself for tt... it's another mistake tt can never be undone...

when desai reminded us of the time left, everyone was giggling. I guess no one needs tt time since all completed in such short time...

muahahaz.. tis's quite fun.. ok, not that i tekan the juniors but it's juz different. yep.. besides i truly want to know how they'll answer in this situation. Some gave quite disappointing answers not what we expect but hmz... i'll juz see how things go. let's hope they can go on with the planning soon.

=college cleaning=
sux... gotta wait very long before we can clean as there's listening inside the LT. felt so bored cos there's nth to do. Some ppl in our class juz sit at the stage under the LT. In the end, we juz play the so called spastic game, "di1 di3 di2 di1 di3, di4 di4" da name is in hanyu pinyin. hahaz. I think i improve alot on the response time. Din end up with all my fingers out and i manage to drag some ppl to a worser state, muahaha..

when we're finally able to clean, we find tt the other class isn't even in the LT at all.. Oh well, so we just carry on with the cleaning. Tried a few methods to clean: with purely water, wif da duno wad spray miss fong gave, etc... Yup, it's all pretty simple except for the cleaning of walls... Wth, i spend so much energy to clean the stains while some ppl in my class juz anyhow clean... ahem, shan't name who.. ya, but cos the cleaning agent's abit too strong, somehow the wall gets clean cos it's corroded.

I was blamed for taking 20/04's mop. Bleahz, seriously, i dino tt. My frend was using it and he pass on to me cos he's on the phone n kaoz, tt's how i ended up like a fool... zzz...

after all tt, 10/04 leaves earlier than 20/04. I din go home immediately, went to see how the poster is done... and ok, the photog is doing work, hahaz... thx alot =D and... cut down the number of drinks to be sold... seriously, i dun tink we're able to sell in time... 40 cans per hour... tt's alot...

yup, tt's all. end of updates. wow, spend abt 40 mins here.