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din realli feel like bloggin, no mood...

supposed to meet in sch for discussion of gigahertz comp but in the end nth much was settled except BH intro me 1 site rather useful to practise questions.. For cult doc, i was kinda sian abt tt too, gotta wait till 2 b4 it starts. Felt rather lonely eating today... saw alot of my guitar frends but prefer nt to sit wif them... duno y, perhaps da fear tt sumone in there may tink i'm v xtra... not in guitar still wana sit wif them... kinda sad realli, cos nt all of them r like tt..

During da meeting, felt rather awkward, jy's sitting in btw sumone whom i dun realli wana tok to or see... no choice.. perhaps tt's wad makes me so awfully quiet throughout. I tink lan anh, may n shane will have realised it ba... Shane purposely asks me a ques of wad's service learnin all abt suddenly. Maybe he tot i was dreamin, tryin to pull me back into da conversation ba...

my mum's kinda sick, nids to go for op. I'm realli worried tis time but din realli show our worries... tt's juz gona make her feel more upset...

when can da 250mb comes for hotmail singapore... tink it's a rather biased n dumb idea to juz allow US, UK residents to hav tt advantage... if nt for da fact tt i've used it pretty long le, i will hav make da switch to other email providers ba... there's plenty if u wana search for... even using gmail will b good.

Ha, eil's always sayin miss me but nvr realli got to hang out wif her... busy gal ba...
Chingz, dun worry. I'm nt avoiding u, so dun feel upset abt anything k?