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Temasek Idol seems better than last year. But da SC started everything so late tt it sorta push back da schedule late. Grp performances weren't as satisfactory as solo performances. For band performances, main problem is either cos can't sing high pitch well or voice overridden by da loud drum and e-guitar sounds ba... Or it'll be pretty perfect ba...

Got 1 boy band called 5 sf called criticised v severely tt i can still rmb wad da judges say.. "Congratulations, u've juz wasted 10 mins of my life!!", "Tt was entertaining but it's not a compliment.","do u noe tis's da finals? Din u even practise b4 u come here? Other grps given a chance would hav done better","amateurish",etc...

Another grp called lil chickens r realli very -__-". Maybe sum gals may find them cute but it's realli quite lao tu.. They act cute in a v er xin manner, realli admire deir courage for standing up to perform tt sorta way to da audience. Cat high ones... haha

Solo ones r generally ok, had a hard time choosing fairly. Melissa had a very nice voice wif nice piano music, song xia v confident n sings pretty well.. so is owen n gladwin, and izatti dey all had their own flair. But maybe had shown their weakness in some areas. It's abit unfair to let Charles win da 2nd time ba... Well... no choice, da ppl juz luv him~ zai voice, can produce melodic music n hard beat techno music...

i was v disappointed wif da gals' response. Dey're so .... duno wad to term it...sexist? Fiona and Hansui's response (but i bet it's not juz them) refuse to let da guys join da outing. Later, dey added: After much discussion, we agree to let u all join provided u all satisfy one condition which is to keep ur mouth shut n let us decide where to go.. I see ord instantly feel damn buay song lar... like wad's wrong wif dem... cant da guys even hav ideas to suggest or wad? Eventually decided tt me n esmond juz go home. Da same problem goes wif today's NUS trip. It's da same same situation again... Gg on deir own.. Fine, wadever..

Gg arnd in NUS after NOI wif joel. Got 6 qns tt we hadda solve, i tink i only manage solve 1 which is realli a sad case lar.. got ppl solvin 4-6 lor... Haiz.. maybe din put enugh effort ba.. Nvrtheless got many freebies ba. Bag+Shirt+Writing pad+pen+magazine... Other freebies got from openhouse de... Felt so xtra in my green TJ uniform so decided to change to casual clothes lor... Met huimin, cleyra, roy, sabrina, shu xia, leong ho, class gals n many other Tjcians lor... Gotta noe later tt mx, alex's gg..separately...

Felt -zzz- when estella dropped her ice cream on my shirt.. can't wipe away, walkin arnd wif my shirt like tt... feels stupid as if i dun even noe hw to eat properly...

Finally gave away de presents to desmond le, he seems pretty pleased wif my gift. So happy tt likes it.. Maybe tt's in contrast wif his frends' treat to food court? haha :P