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Realised tt no matter how strong a person may appear to be, when he or she's sick, the person is at its weakest moment, n always in need of someone's care...

Thanks mei, for trying so hard to stay in contact. I tink i'm kinda neglecting u abit. Now tt u've got someone to take care of u, i wun feel so bad. I owe u one... Maybe during long hols go out wif ya ba :P

Watched 'Son of the Mask' today... Duno y, the mask juz din feel as crazy as Stanley's mask... Perhaps Jim Carrey has more wonderful facial expressions ba. And perhaps i tink i'm abit too old for tt sort of siao siao film. The baby's cute nevertheless... Reminds me of tt the other show 'series of unfortunate events'... Maybe baby power is getting in trend.

Din realli managed to revise during hols... wasted. Juz feel tired actually... lack of self-discipline.. I'm someone who nids ppl to spur me on... haiz