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PE's kinda crazy man.. Did 3 laps of gg up n down all 3 galleries in 3 rounds within sum timing and did 30 normal push ups, 10 left leg push up, 10 right leg push up, 10 spider push ups. After tt, do leg raise... abt 10 ba... (tis da part tt seems eternal..) for 10 counts each. Den later do backhand pushups for abt 5 or so for 10 counts... it's pretty hard as it's straining for my back... juz when i tot it's over, another 20 or 30 pushups... -__-"

today rare chance sia, class get to eat not in da usual order of guys eat together, gals eat together. Today's formation is basically econs pple n non econs pple ba... haha.

hols assignment is horrible esp for chem... so much to do lorz.. oso gotta come back for xtra lesson. dun tink there'll be any hol mood. It's an indication for da yr 2s to be prepared for a full series of muggin when sch reopens...

repair cost shooting up, gettin worried.. looks like it's nt getting anywhere, repair is being done more often den training in proper... whose fault is tt...

go back home wif yyy and mx. yyy keeps on tellin her frends i'm an IP student. Her frends look like 1/2 blive 1/2 not like tt.. i oso duno wad to say... there's juz smth tt canot be changed abt me ba. I can grow fatter, muscular, or thinner but not taller. sadz...