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JAE postings
Heard some commotions abt ppl who wanted so much to get in din... alota appeals. But some v indecisive, put other jc as their choice n eventually regretted n wan to return to TJ. der's so many appeal cases lor, now nt even including 2nd intake appeals...

Sports Carnival
Gotta plan games or food for tt lar.. it's compulsory... robotics always inert to sch events one lor.. nw doing smth like tt n proposal in 2 days time... shuld give longer period grace of submission lorz...

Service Learning
da kids r kinda cute lar... in small bunch yes... nt as in a whole class... erwin din pass me camera or wadsoever so din take pics... only got 4 ppl, but spend $4+ to give dem chocs... v lil somemore. Din noe got tcher monitor one... tot it's 'zi you fa hui' one...

Duno wad to do for robotics tmr... training or farewell party for some of them.. duno lei... i find tt it's always me who's tinkin of wad to do... wad abt lp? Yest did computing until 2 yest. It's so freaking tiring for me ord who's slpin like 1+ prev days oso... But still din manage to complete all da tasks requirements... mr chua din realli say much abt mine but can tell tt he's nt happy abt it... even da hardworking wei quan oso got criticised quite abit...

Finally managed to squeeze 1 free cookie from jy after so long.. n it's after when i agree to help him carry stuff from tcher's car to da library lar.. dat eclub gal muz b tinkin y tis non-eclub person always doing tings abt e-club... nt realli dg oso lar.. last time help jy buy cookies n pass, dumb man...

i tink i've kinda mastered secrets keeping technique to 60%? lol... manage to keep v impt secrets confidential.. it's v crucial lor...dun wana offend ppl anymore le(indirectly)... wad's said's been said... no matter how time passed, it can nvr be erased from memory completely...

Mood: -lonely soul-